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    Stop Smoking

    Stop Smoking



    By Clinical Hypnotherapist, Rayeleen Gilbert

    If you no longer want to smoke, then that is a conscious decision, however, your subconscious mind   is still a smoker!  5% of you has decided to stop smoking while the 95% of you, that is running the show is still smoking.  Guess who is most likely to win?

    Your subconscious mind is what controls every aspect of your life! 

    Everything has its root in the subconscious. 

    And that’s where I come in because I have a very effective tool to help you to get that subconscious part of your mind, that 95% of you, on the same page so that YOU CAN STOP SMOKING easily and permanently.

    Hypnosis and Stopping Smoking:

    Hypnosis is probably most famous for helping people to stop smoking.   It is my personal experience that the vast majority of people stop smoking permanently after their first session.

    Hi Rayeleen,
    Well its been a month (25th January 2010) since Ive seen you and Im glad to say that I havent felt so good in a very long time. My wife is now trying to work out how to get to Perth to see you for the same reason. A lot of friends up here are astounded that I dont smoke anymore, and have asked for youre details, so get ready for a very large contingency of Newman residents booking in to see you very soon. I also took the liberty in explaining what you have done for me to BHPs HSE department, so don’t be surprised if they ask for you to visit Newman to assist their employees in giving the terrible habit away. Anyway, I wont waste anymore of your time, again thank you very much for your help, keep smiling and have a great day JCheers and Regards,

    Greg Briggs
    Shutdown Scheduler
    BHP Billiton IronOre
    Mt. Whaleback Operation

    Hello Rayeleen,

    Well its been close to 14 months now since I first meet you and Wowwww what an experience that was, I was telling my partner … about you and how aspiring you were to even just meet! let alone some of the conversations you had will my loved ones up above.
    And Yes I am still smoke free!!!!!!!!!!!
    I have not even been near a cigarette… the first week I listened to the CD we made, which brought back great memories and I think hypnotised me again every night, I had the best sleeps I have ever had it was amazing, after the first week I think I have had 1 or 2 moments within the first 3 months, but that night after feeling like a smoke, I listened to the CD again which really helped and from there to now I haven’t even looked at one!
    I am so happy that I have given that terribly habit up, the biggest thing I have noticed is the time I have on my hands which means more quality time with my children which I love dearly!
    So the person I have to thank is you, I tried different techniques over a number of years and none of them worked.
    With this new found passion I have gained in giving up smoking I have passed your number on to numerous people from all different walks of life trying to get them to achieve that also, because I know how good it feels to finely be smoke free and the time that both you and your family gain from not smoking needs to be shared….

    Grant OReilly
    Supervisor Shutdown Management
    Fixed Plant Maintenance
    BHP Billiton
    Newman Australia
    (11 September 2011)

    Forever grateful

    22 April 2013 10:34 AM


    I had an appointment with you, Monday 11th March for help with quitting smoking. I can honestly say that I have not had one cigarette since my appointment with you. I had 12 cigarettes left in a packet when I saw you and I still have 12 cigarettes in the packet. From smoking 30 cigarettes a day this is a momentous change for me. While I don’t mind the smell of cigarettes, when someone lights up in front of me. The tools that you gave me has enabled me to be strong enough to not even think about lighting up. Today marks 6 weeks since my life changing appointment, my entire family is grateful to you and proud of me as I am a NON SMOKER.

    Thank you so much.

    Rob Casey
    Newman, WA

    Did you know:

    Recently Matt Damon publicly testified to the benefits of quitting smoking:

    I went to a hypnotist… It worked. I swear to god it worked. It was the greatest decision I ever made in my life!

    Matt Damon on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno

    Ellen DeGeneres (celebrity) Successfully quit smoking with Hypnosis.

    Ben Affleck (actor) Quit smoking with help from hypnosis, later stating “ I feel a huge difference in my health now that I don’t smoke. I feel like I’m in better shape than I was five years ago”.

    Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking

    The research into this area of hypnotherapy is very solid and not only shows a massively increased success rate when using hypnosis to help you to stop smoking, but it points to hypnosis as the most effective form of smoking cessation therapy (with a higher success rate than nicotine patches / gum etc).

    In 1992 the University of Iowa conducted a meta-analysis of studies using different methods to try and help people to quit smoking. This was the largest ever scientific comparison – looking at more than 600 studies which contained 72,000 people in total, from America and Europe.

    They found that on average, hypnosis was over three times as effective as nicotine patches or nicotine replacement methods and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone, and concluded that hypnosis is by far the most effective way of giving up smoking.

    Why not make today the day.  Pick up the phone instead of that poisonous cigarette and make your appointment now – 9498 3788.  (Appointments are available Monday – Saturday).

    I can’t wait to meet you.



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