It took the pain away instantly!
On New Year’s Day I received a 2nd degree burn to the underside of my arm – awkward place. The pain kept me awake night after night. I used Apple Cider Vinegar, Slippery Elm and various other folk medicines to help relieve the pain and to heal but to no avail.
In the end, it was good old aloe vera that did the trick. I cut some from a plant outside and rubbed it on the burn – finally I slept that night, it took the pain away and the difference in the wound in the morning was nothing short of amazing. I applied it again the night before last and last night and now it is nearly gone, just looks lightly grazed. I am sorry I did not take photos of the progress. Always keep a plant in the garden and remember to use it.
Another remarkable gift from nature 🙂
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